The Creation and launch of ACB Plc was prompted by the success achieved by African Evangelistic Enterprise (AEE) in promoting the self Help Approach. AEE was in need of a micro finance institution that would support mature Self Help Groups (SHGs) in need of enough capital to grow their business. AEE in collaboration with other churches, Christian organizations and other individuals raised funds and other resources in order to contribute to the development of communities in general and that of the Self Help Groups in particular.
Amasezerano Community Banking (ACB) Plc is a financial institution licensed by the National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) to collect savings, provide loans and other financial services credit. The Institution was registered on the 20th day July 2006 and started official operations on 21st day of August 2006 with a share capital of Rwf 130,000,000 and savings and services as main products. Started in Kicukiro with only one Branch, ACB now has grown to six (6) branches: 3 in Kigali City and 3 in other districts (Bugesera, Rubavu and Rusizi).